Almost after 3 months from my last article about Weather Station project I finished next version of my weather station device code. The main goal for that version was to enable communication with HomeAssistant. New version v3.0.0 has fixed some small bugs, but has one main feature. Now you are able to use HTTP or […]
Multilanguage page
Looking into statistics about visitors of my page I saw that there is a lot of visitors who use english and polish language, so I decided to start from this moment preparing content in both languages at the same time.
ESP8266 + DHT11 weather station – v2.0.0
In my previous post about Weather Station project ESP8266 + DHT11 weather station I described how the device work and how to communicate with it. Since that time I’ve get some feedback how it works and I figure out two major problems: epoch time – sometimes when library response for getting current epoch time from […]