
Christmas Tree

Welcome back all visitors. My last post was written more than year ago. From that time in Weather Station project I made few improvements but this is not so important and I will write about it in other post in the future. Now I would like to focus on my new project. It began almost […]

Weather Station – Docker configuration

As I wrote in my previous article, it came time to describe building and running process of my whole Weather Station application. My solution is based on Docker and Docker Compose which is running on Raspberry Pi 4. So let’s start from beginning and clone my repository. Building frontend application After cloning repository you have […]

ESP8266 + DHT11 weather station – v3.0.0

Almost after 3 months from my last article about Weather Station project I finished next version of my weather station device code. The main goal for that version was to enable communication with HomeAssistant. New version v3.0.0 has fixed some small bugs, but has one main feature. Now you are able to use HTTP or […]

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